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Command line syntax

Once we have built our hosts and objects definitions, we can start using PICA to do something useful. Basically, PICA always does ``something'' to a list of objects on each of the given hosts. As the the help option ``-h'' states, PICA has the following command line syntax:

(PICA) Perl Installation and Configuration Agent 
Version: 0.3.4 
Usage: ../pica -[ixtflh] [-n] [-v] [--with-picaconf newpica.conf]
          [--with-hostsconf newhosts.conf] [--with-objectsconf newobjects.conf]
          +D defines +|-F objects +|-H hosts
       -i : Install objects
       -x : Execute object/command
       -t : Delete object
       -f : Diff object
       -l : List objects
       -h : Shows this help
       -n : Debug. Do not install/delete things, just testing 
       -v : Be verbose

       --with-picaconf    : Changes pica.conf path
       --with-hostsconf   : Changes hosts.conf path
       --with-objectsconf : Changes objects.conf path

       +D   : Build defines list
       +|-F : Build object list
       +|-H : Build hosts list

The command line has three different mandatory parts:

  1. The command: this is the first group of options, and determines what we want to do.
  2. The object arithmetic: Determines what objects we want to operate on. The object list is built using +F/-F to add/delete objects
  3. The hosts arithmetic: Determines what hosts we want to operate on. The hosts list is built using +H/-H to add/delete hosts

Moreover, there is an environment variable, called PICAARGS, that will be pasted at the end of the command line (useful for having some parameters fixed at the end of every PICA call).


Esteban Manchado Velázquez 2002-12-13