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Install (-i)

This command will install the given objects in each of the given hosts. The install command first generates the objects it will install in a local dir ($picaroot/tmp/$picahost), and then install them in the remote host.

PICA supports three different methods for remote file installation:

This is the default method. It install each file using an SSH connection. This is the default method because it only needs SSH, but it's painfully slow because it makes a different connection for each file.
This method uses tar over a SSH connection to transfer all files using the same SSH connection. Right now this is the recommended method.
This method is still under development because we have found some problems with the way rsync handles directory permissions and symlinks. It will be the recommended method when we fix this problems because it's the fastest. Right now use it at your own risk, what currently means: DON'T USE IT.

To change the installation method, set the attribute ``method'' per machine, in hosts.conf (you can set it globally or individually, distinct for each machine). To use methods tar and rsync, you must also set the binary path to this utils with the attributes ``tar'' and ``rsync''.

The command:

pica -iv +F NTP -F step-tickers +H all -H deimos

Will install all objects in the group NTP except step-tickers in all servers except deimos.

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Esteban Manchado Velázquez 2002-12-13