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PIFIA is a collection of files and conventions to get your servers look at themselves and act if they see something wrong (trying to fix it, telling you, or both). To make this easy to handle, there is a file to be included in your objects.conf file (with #include <pifia.conf>, yes). A pifia.conf file looks like this (yes, usual disclaimers about content updating apply):

# PIFIA (PICA Framework for Integrated Alarms #
group pifia {
   # Scheduler executable
   file scheduler {
      path = '<#$picabin#>/scheduler';
      source = 'alarms/scheduler';
      perms = '755';
      vars {
         # Where to send mail notifications
	 notifymail = ',';
	 # How to send mail notifications
         mailcmd = '/usr/sbin/sendmail $notifymail';
         # Where to send pager (or sms) notifications
	 notifypager = '';
	 # How to send pager notifications
         pagercmd = '/usr/sbin/sendmail $notifypager';
         #pagercmd = 'cat';
   # Cron file
   file pifia.cron {
      path = '/etc/cron.d/pifia.cron';
      source = 'alarms/pifia.cron';
      perms = '644';
   # PIFIA lib (Perl package)
   file {
      path = '/usr/local/lib/site_perl/';
      source = 'alarms/';
      perms = '644';
   # README file (forces the creation of the persitence files dir, so leave it
   # here)
   file README {
      path = '<#$picaalarms#>/persistence/README';
      source = 'alarms/README';
      perms = '644';

Esteban Manchado Velázquez 2002-12-13