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The scheduler

We have a ``scheduler'' script that is run periodically from crond. The cron file is looks more or less like this (I probably won't bother changing this every time I change that file):

## PIFIA crontab entry
## From this crontab entry we will run the PIFIA scheduler periodically for
## each priority

# Emergency (every 10 minutes)
*/10 * * * * root <#$picabin#>/scheduler Emergency

# Urgent (every 2 hours)
15 */2 * * * root <#$picabin#>/scheduler Urgent

# Warning (once a day)
20 1 * * * root <#$picabin#>/scheduler Warning

Cron runs the scheduler for every priority, and the scheduler runs every alarm in a given priority, using the -picacaller file, gets every alarm output and generates a report that is sent via e-mail (or whatever command you specify). Right now each alarm has to manage it's own variable persistency. All of this will be solved as the time goes by, by the PIFIA lib.

Esteban Manchado Velázquez 2002-12-13